perform a range test
Follow the steps in this section to perform a range test with XCTU using the loopback cluster of your XBee modules.
The steps show you how to review the RSSI of both local and remote modules and the number of packets successfully sent and received by the local module during the range test session.
To perform a range test with 802.15.4 modules:
- The remote XBee must be configured to work in transparent mode.
- The remote XBee loopback jumper must be closed before starting. This will cause any received data to be transmitted back to the local device.
- The local XBee (the one attached to your computer) can be configured to use API or transparent mode. The RSSI value of the remote device can only be read when the local XBee is working in API mode.
Tip Range test using 802.15.4 XBees is only supported if the remote device is working in transparent mode. Also, note that you will have to connect the loopback jumper in the remote device before starting the range test.