XBee I/O pins

The following table shows the I/O pins of XBee-PRO 802.15.4 modules:

Pin name Physical pin # Parameter
DIO0, AD0 20 D0
DIO1, AD1 19 D1
DIO2, AD2 18 D2
DIO3, AD3 17 D3
DIO4, AD4 11 D4
DIO5, AD5 15 D5
DIO6 16 D6
DIO7 12 D7
DI8 9 D8
PWM0 6 P0
PWM1 7 P1

(D = digital; I = input; O = output; AD = analog input; PWM = pulse-width modulation)

Note The number and type of IOs available can vary between different module variants.