Verify that XBee nodes are joined to the coordinator

To verify that your XBee ZigBee module has successfully joined the ZigBee network:

  1. Make sure XBee Gateway is powered on. Make sure the XBee ZigBee node is mounted on the development board and that the development board is powered on.

  2. From a web browser, open the Home page of your XBee Gateway.

  3. Under Configuration, click XBee Network. The XBee Configuration page appears.
  4. Below the Remote XBee Devices table, select the Clear list before discovery check box and click the Discover XBee Devices button.

  5. After some seconds the Remote XBee Devices table displays your XBee ZigBee node.

  6. If the XBee node does not appear in the Remote XBee Devices table, use XCTU to view the AI (Association Indicator) for the node.

    The Association Indicator is located under the Diagnostic Commands settings for the node. The Association Indicator shows the node’s current association status, which points to the reason the node is not connecting to the coordinator. There are several possible values for the Association Indicator, all described in the XBee/XBee-PRO ZigBee RF Modules User Guide (Digi part number 90000976). This document is available from the XBee/XBee-PRO S2C ZigBee Modules page. A value of 0 means the node has successfully joined or started a network.

    The following image shows an example of an Association indicator for a node:

    Example of an Association indicator for a node