Install the driver software
You need a Microsoft Windows computer (host computer) to download and install the AnywhereUSB driver software from the Digi International Support website. The driver software includes the AnywhereUSB Remote Hub Configuration Utility.
After the driver software installs, the AnywhereUSB Remote Hub Configuration Utility opens. The utility automatically discovers AnywhereUSB devices on the local subnet and displays configuration information, including the DHCP address for a device.
Before you begin
Before you begin, you must uninstall any existing older AnywhereUSB driver (AnywhereUSB Remote Hub Configuration Utility) before you can re-install the driver software.
You must perform the uninstall as a Windows Administrator.
When the uninstall process is complete, reboot Windows once.
Only a Windows Administrator can perform the software install. If you are logged in as a non-Windows Administrator user and you attempt to install the software, you will be required to enter Windows Administrator login credentials to be able to complete the installation process.
Download and install the driver
- Navigate to the AnywhereUSB support page.
- Click the Product Resources tab. This should be selected by default.
- From the Drivers & Patches section, click the OS Specific Drivers link.
- From the list box, select the appropriate operating system option. A list of drivers for that OS displays.
- Click the download link for the driver option that you want to install.
- When the download is complete, right-click on the file and choose Open to start the install process.
- When the installation is complete, reboot Windows once.
- Repeat this process for each host computer.
Note “Host computer” refers to a Microsoft Windows-based computer that you use to connect to the AnywhereUSB. In a virtual environment, the host computer is the Windows-based virtual machine. You do not need to install the AnywhereUSB drivers on the physical server running the virtual machine (sometimes called host).