Host computer configuration
In the AnywhereUSB Remote Hub Configuration Utility, you must specify the group number that each host computer should connect to. Each host computer may only connect to one group. When the host computer connects to the AnywhereUSB, it takes ownership of the associated USB ports.
The following example shows an AnywhereUSB/5 M device that has five groups configured, each group provides access to a single physical USB port on the AnywhereUSB device.
In the Host List column is on the right, “available” indicates that the Group is associated with one or more USB ports and there are no host computers currently connected to that Group.
To connect an AnywhereUSB device to the host computer:
- Log in to a Microsoft Windows computer with an account that has administrative privileges.
- Select Start > Programs > AnywhereUSB > AnywhereUSB Remote Hub Configuration Utility.
- Select your device from the list and click Connect or right-click and click Connect.
For example, the following image shows a host computer that connects to Group 4 on the AnywhereUSB device. Clicking Connect initiates the connection process between the host computer and the selected AnywhereUSB/5 M device.
After the connection process completes, the AnywhereUSB Remote Hub Configuration Utility updates its Connection Status information.
Note The Host PC Connection Status now says “Connected to this Host PC,” and the host computer's IP address is listed in the Host List column for Group 4.
In the event the host computer requests a group that is not configured on the AnywhereUSB device, the Host PC Connection Status displays something similar to the following image indicating that the selected Group is not configured on the given AnywhereUSB device.
In the above example, the Host List column on the far right indicates that groups 1 through 4 are associated with one or more USB ports, and there are no host computers currently connected with one or more of these groups. Group 5 is not associated with any USB port, therefore it is not possible for a host computer to connect to it. When a host computer is configured to connect to a group that is not associated with any USB ports on an AnywhereUSB device, a yellow warning symbol appears next to the AnywhereUSB device in the Remote Hub Configuration Utility and a message appears in the Host PC Connection Status area.