Appendix A: AnywhereUSB permitted device list

About the permitted device list

An option has been added to the AnywhereUSB product that limits access to a set of select devices. This option allows an administrator to build a list of supported devices by adding specific Vendor ID/Product ID or Class values into the registry. The AnywhereUSB will compare the IDs of each USB device (when the USB device is connected), with the value(s) in the registry and if there is a match, the device will enumerate; otherwise an “unknown device” message will appear in the Notification Area.

The key is located in this location:


The new key value is PermittedDevices. This Multi String value contains a list of devices that the AnywhereUSB will enumerate all other devices will show as "unknown device."


Following are some examples of values in the permitted device list:

Configure the permitted device list

To allow a specific USB device with an embedded hub, such as an Edgeport/8:

PermittedDevices REG_MULTI_SZ Vid_1608&Pid_0215 GENERICHUB

To allow all human interface devices such as mouse or keyboard:

PermittedDevices REG_MULTI_SZ Class_03

To allow all mice and all printers:

PermittedDevices REG_MULTI_SZ Class_03 Class_07

Use the AnywhereUSB View utility to see the USB device's Vid/Pid values. The fields are called idVendor and idProduct. In the following example, the highlighted USB flash drive has the following properties:



The following is a view of the registry with the new Key of "PermittedDevices":


Double-clicking on the key will bring up the Edit Multi-String dialog.