Node Identification Indicator - 0x95


This frame type is emitted when a node identification broadcast is received. The node identification indicator contains information about the identifying device, such as address, identifier string (NI), and other relevant data.

A node identifies itself to the network under these conditions:

See ND (Network Discover) for information on the payload formatting.

See NO (Network Discovery Options) for configuration options that modify the output of this frame.


The following table provides the contents of the frame. For details on frame structure, see API frame specifications.

Offset Size Frame Field Description
0 8-bit Start Delimiter Indicates the start of an API frame.
1 16-bit Length Number of bytes between the length and checksum.
3 8-bit Frame type

Node Identification Indicator - 0x95

4 64-bit

64-bit source address

The sender's 64-bit address.

12 16-bit Reserved

Unused, but this field is typically set to 0xFFFE.

14 8-bit


Bit field of options that apply to the received message:

  • Bit 0: Reserved
  • Bit 1: Packet was sent as a broadcast [0x02]
  • Bit 2: Reserved
  • Bit 4: Reserved
  • Bit 5: Reserved
  • Bit 6, 7: DigiMesh delivery method
    • b’00 = <invalid option>

    • b’01 = Point-multipoint [0x40]

    • b’10 = Directed Broadcast [0x80]

    • b’11 = DigiMesh [0xC0]

Note Option values may be combined.

15 16-bit Reserved

Unused, but this field is typically set to 0xFFFE.

17 64-bit

64-bit remote address

The 64-bit address of the device that sent the Node Identification.


(2-byte minimum)

Node identification string

Node identification string on the remote device set by NI (Node Identifier). The identification string is terminated with a NULL byte (0x00).

27+NI 16-bit Reserved

Unused, but this field is typically set to 0xFFFE.



Network device type

What type of network device the remote identifies as:

0 = Coordinator

1 = Router

2 = End Device

30+NI 8-bit Source event

The event that caused the node identification broadcast to be sent.

0 = Reserved

1 = Frame sent by node identification pushbutton event—see D0 (DIO0/AD0).

31+NI 16-bit Digi Profile ID The Digi application Profile ID—0xC105.
33+NI 16-bit Digi Manufacturer ID The Digi Manufacturer ID—0x101E.
35+NI 32-bit Device type identifier

The user-defined device type on the remote device set by DD (Device Type Identifier).

Only included if the receiving device has the appropriate NO (Network Discovery Options) bit set.

EOF-1 8-bit RSSI

The RSSI of the last hop that relayed the message.

Only included if the receiving device has the appropriate NO (Network Discovery Options) bit set.

EOF 8-bit Checksum 0xFF minus the 8-bit sum of bytes from offset 3 to this byte—between length and checksum.


Each example is written without escapes (AP = 1) and all bytes are represented in hex format. For brevity, the start delimiter, length, and checksum fields have been excluded.

Identify remote device

A technician is replacing a DigiMesh device in the field and needs to have the its entry removed from a cloud server's database. The technician pushes the commissioning button on the old device once to send an identification broadcast. The server can use the broadcast to identify which device is being replaced and perform the necessary action.

When the node identification broadcast is sent, every device that receives the message will flash the association LED and emit the following information frame:

7E 00 27 95 00 13 A2 00 12 34 56 78 FF FE C2 FF FE 00 13 A2 00 12 34 56 78 4C 48 37 35 00 FF FE 01 01 C1 05 10 1E 00 14 00 08 0D
Frame type 64-bit source Reserved Options 64-bit remote NI String Reserved Device type Event Profile ID MFG ID


0xFFFE 0xC2


0x4C483735 00 0xFFFE 0x01 0x01 0xC105 0x101E
Unused DigiMesh broadcast
"LH75" + null Unused Router Button press Digi Digi