Remote AT Command Request - 0x17

Response frame: Remote AT Command Response- 0x97


This frame type is used to query or set AT command parameters on a remote device.

For parameter changes on the remote device to take effect, you must apply changes, either by setting the Apply Changes options bit, or by sending an AC command to the remote.

When querying parameter values you can query parameter values by sending this framewith a command but no parameter value field—the two-byte AT command is immediately followed by the frame checksum. When an AT command is queried, a Remote AT Command Response- 0x97 frame is populated with the parameter value that is currently set on the device. The Frame ID of the 0x97 response is the same one set by the command in the 0x17 request frame.

Note Remote AT Command Requests should only be issued as unicast transmissions to avoid potential network disruption. Broadcasts are not acknowledged, so there is no guarantee all devices will receive the request. Responses are returned immediately by all receiving devices, which can cause congestion on a large network.


The following table provides the contents of the frame. For details on frame structure, see API frame specifications.

Offset Size Frame Field Description
0 8-bit Start Delimiter Indicates the start of an API frame.
1 16-bit Length Number of bytes between the length and checksum.
3 8-bit Frame type

Remote AT Command Request - 0x17.

4 8-bit Frame ID

Identifies the data frame for the host to correlate with a subsequent response.
If set to 0, the device will not emit a response frame.

5 64-bit 64-bit destination address

Set to the 64-bit IEEE address of the destination device.

13 16-bit Reserved

Unused, but this field is typically set to 0xFFFE.

15 8-bit Remote command options

Bit field of options that apply to the remote AT command request:

  • Bit 0: Disable ACK [0x01]
  • Bit 1: Apply changes on remote [0x02]
    • If not set, changes will not applied until the device receives an AC command or a subsequent command change is received with this bit set
  • Bit 2: Reserved (set to 0)
  • Bit 3: Reserved (set to 0)
  • Bit 4: Send the remote command securely [0x10]

Note Option values may be combined. Set all unused bits to 0.

16 16-bit

AT command

The two ASCII characters that identify the AT Command.

18-n variable Parameter value (optional)

If present, indicates the requested parameter value to set the given register.
If no characters are present, it queries the current parameter value and returns the result in the response.

EOF 8-bit Checksum 0xFF minus the 8-bit sum of bytes from offset 3 to this byte (between length and checksum).


Each example is written without escapes—AP = 1—and all bytes are represented in hex format. For brevity, the start delimiter, length, and checksum fields have been excluded.

Set remote command parameter

Set the NI string of a device with the 64-bit address of 0013A20012345678 to "Remote" and apply the change immediately.

The corresponding Remote AT Command Response- 0x97 with a matching Frame ID will indicate success.

7E 00 15 17 27 00 13 A2 00 12 34 56 78 FF FE 02 4E 49 52 65 6D 6F 74 65 F6
Frame type Frame ID 64-bit dest Reserved Command options AT command Parameter value
0x17 0x27 0x0013A200
0xFFFE 0x02 0x4E49 0x52656D6F7465
Request Matches response
Unused Apply Change "NI" "Remote"

Queue remote command parameter change

Change the PAN ID of a remote device so it can migrate to a new PAN, since this change would cause network disruption, the change is queued so that it can be made active later with a subsequent AC command or written to flash with a queued WR command so the change will be active after a power cycle.

The corresponding Remote AT Command Response- 0x97 with a matching Frame ID will indicate success.

7E 00 11 17 68 00 13 A2 00 12 34 56 78 FF FE 00 49 44 04 51 D8
Frame type Frame ID 64-bit dest Reserved Command options AT command Parameter value
0x17 0x68 0x0013A200
0xFFFE 0x00 0x4944 0x0451
Request Matches response
Unused Queue Change "ID"

Query remote command parameter

Query the temperature of a remote device—TP command.

The corresponding Remote AT Command Response- 0x97 with a matching Frame ID will return the temperature value.

7E 00 0F 17 FA 00 13 A2 00 12 34 56 78 FF FE 00 54 50 84
Frame type Frame ID 64-bit dest Reserved Command options AT command Parameter value
0x17 0xFA 0x0013A200
0xFFFE 0x00 0x5450 (omitted)
Request Matches response
Unused N/A "TP" Query the parameter