Société de la Loterie de la Suisse Romande (LoRo) organizes and operates lottery games and sports betting in the six cantons of French-speaking Switzerland. It distributes all of its profits to non-profit associations active in a broad spectrum of fields, such as social welfare, culture, sport, education and the environment.
Business Problem

LoRo operates more than 2,600 customer shops and Point of Sale (PoS) terminals throughout the six cantons of French-speaking Switzerland. LoRo needed a quick and agile way to spin up shops and change content. The move from a fixed line connection to wireless broadband to facilitate the lottery and gaming applications using LTE technology would help achieve that goal.
LoRo required a wireless connection that provides a high level of security and reliability to enable lottery applications. The dynamic changes in vending and kiosk locations require fast installation time for a secure data link.
Digi TransPort WR21 based on LTE technology allows organizations like LoRo to activate new locations instantaneously over a wireless connection, which is required to support changing customer behavior and the launch of new applications.
The WR21 routers were pre-configured to LoRo’s specific specifications. In less than a few weeks, it secured a mass deployment of more than 1,000 WR21 units to lottery game locations throughout the six cantons of French-speaking Switzerland.
By utilizing a cellular connection via the WR21, LoRo can now roll-out and update new points of sale instantaneously.
In the past, with the fixed line connection, deployment would take weeks because of the need for a complex cable infrastructure.
Today, LoRo can create and deploy new applications to terminals to maintain revenue and customer engagement. Installation costs have been minimized, because a complex infrastructure is no longer required.