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WVA: non standard ports

There are many types of port connectors inside of vehicles and trucks.  The WVA is built to fit on J1939 and 1708 port types.  I unfortunately won't fit most others..  

Truck manufactuers have a variety of different port interfaces.  There are other factors like voltage, amperage, starting current, and many other factors.  We list the electrical characteristics of the WVA but can't be expected to know what they might be for trucks.  Because of this, we don't want to make a wrong assumption and suggest something that might damage the WVA or worse the electrical system of the truck.  This is why our product manual calls for you to consult the truck vendor for more information.  
While this isn't normally a question we address, we can research and look further into determining what it would take for a connection between the WVA and whatever port type the vehicle might have.  We would however need a paid support agreement to do this.
Once we have that we'll see if there is a solution for an adapter.   

Last updated: Jan 04, 2024

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