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wireless certificate authentication setup


This article assumes that the user has the device already on the network and can get access to the units web interface.

From the web interface homepage, Go into Configuration -> Network -> Wireless Security Settings .
Under Network Authentication section, Check WPA with 802.1x authentication
Under Data Encryption section, select CCMP (TKIP and WEP could also be used).

Then, below in the Username/Password section, enter a username and password.
click apply button.


You will see a routine message stating:
"A problem occurred saving settings
-The combination of WEP or WPA authentication and Outer EAP protocol require that a certificate and private key file be uploaded to this device"

Now go into Configuration -> Network ->Wireless 802.1x Authentication Settings
Under EAP Methods, check desired method; in this case, TLS.

Under Client Certificate section, enter the certificate and private key file.
We accept both DER (binary) and PEM (base64ish) certificates. PEM files can contain both a certificate and key, and can also be encrypted*.
*If the file is encypted, enter a valid username and password.
Click Upload button.

Upon reboot the changes will then take affect and the device will now be using a certificate.

Last updated: Jun 24, 2024

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