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Windows Direct cable connection parameters


To Configure the Digi product to act as a PPP interface for a Windows device. This configuration will allow the Digi device to emulate a Windows (98, NT, 2000, XP) Direct serial connect Server.

To do this we will take advantage of the fact that PPP is truly a "Peer to Peer" Protocol, so we will have the Digi set up as an "Out-bound" connection, that is waiting for the word "CLIENT" so it can respond with "CLIENTSERVER" and begin PPP.

The scripts are fairly straight forward:

set script name=xover s1="M{\r} G+"

set script name=CLIENT s1="[CLIENT]3 S10 T2" s2="P1 M{\r}" s3="M{%1\r} G+"

The device is next:

set device name=pktpc dialer=xover port=1

Next, create and set up the user (You will need to supply some of your own values):

set user name=CLIENT protocol=ppp ipaddr= ipmask=

set user name=CLIENT pppauth=none device=pktpc loginscript=CLIENT

set user name=CLIENT compression=(VJ or none) defaultaccess=netservice netservice=on

set user name=CLIENT dialout=on p1="CLIENTSERVER"

In setting up the port I have used the assumption that we will be able to wire the DTR of the Windows machine to the DCD of the Digi, and we want to use 8/N/1 and hardware flow control. These values are adjustable, to your specific situation.

set port range=1 dev=mout

set flow range=1 ixoff=off ixon=off rts=on cts=on altpin=on(for 8 pin RJ-45''''s)

set line baud=(your speed here) csize=8 stop=1 parity=none

Last updated: Feb 11, 2025

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