When I IP Passthrough is configured, the laptop (or another device with DHCP client enabled) that is connected to the local LAN of the TransPort, will be assigned with the PPP Address of the TransPort itself and on the ETH 0 interface of the TransPort will be, instead, assigned an address on the same subnet (it should end with ".1"). So, once IP Passthrough is configured, teh TarnsPort cannot be accessed anymore via the local address used before, as it has been changed.
In order to access the router in this mode, the following options are available:
- Local Access: in order to access to the TransPort via the local ETH interface, the new address assigned to the ETH interface by the IP Passthrough configuration needs to be used. It will belong to the subnet of the PPP interface and it can simply be checked issuing the command "ipconfig /all" on the command prompt of the laptop (or similar command to get IP configuration on the device connected to the TransPort) and look for the default gateway, that will be the address to use to connect to the TransPort.
- Remote Address: with IP Passthrough configured, packets received for the PPP interface on the TransPort are delivered directly to the Ethernet interface (so routed to the device connected to it). In order to connect to the TransPort itself and not to the device behind, Pinholes need to be configured. Basically, this means to configure exceptions for some type of traffic (for example http, ssh, etc.) to this behavior, so that those particular types of traffic are not routed to the device behind, but are processed by the TransPort itself.
More details about IP Passthrough configuration on TransPort routers and examples can be found in the Applicatio Note on our support site at the following link :
AN38 - IP Passthrough on a TransPort WR
Last updated:
Jan 03, 2024