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Where is the EDS file for the Digi One IAP when using Ethernet/IP?

You'll find the following 5 files in the ZIP:
PN:90000637_A ZIP of ODVA EDS files for Digi One IAP

  • DigiOne_IA_RP_v1_1.eds (for older single-port DOIARP firmware "D1")
  • DigiOne_IAP1_v2_1.eds (for older single-port DOIARP firmware "E")
  • DigiOne_IAP2_v2_1.eds (for newer pass-thru port DOIARP firmware "E")
  • doaip.ico (an image so "?" becomes DigiOne-IAP icon)
  • readme.txt (this file)

Make sure files 1-4 are unzipped into the same directory. Go to Start | programs | Rockwell software | RSLinx Tools and run the "EDS Hardware Installation Tool". You'll need to browse to and select all 3 of the .eds files. This import and compiles them so RSLinx uses the information.

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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