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Where is the Edgeport Configuration Utility located?

The shortcut to The Edgeport Configuration Utility is located in the "Digi USB" program group on the Start Menu.

Note that, with regards to the current Edgeport driver package, simply running the Edgeport installer will not create the shortcut.  An Edgeport must be connected afterwards, and successfully installed, in order for the shortcut to be created.  However, with older Edgeport drivers, the shortcut will be created by simply running the Edgeport installer.

Also note that, with older Edgeport driver packages, the shortcut may be created in the "Inside Out Networks" program group.

The actual file is edgeport.exe (for 32-bit OS's) or edgeport64.exe (for 64-bit OS's) and is located in the \system32\ folder.

Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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