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What RF and electrical immunity tests were performed on the Digi Connect ME?

     A customer asked whether any or all of the following tests were performed on the Digi Connect ME:

    EN 61000-4-2
    EN 61000-4-3
    EN 61000-4-6
    EN 55024

    First off what are we talking about? According to "Susceptibility Testing" by National Technical Systems, inc., "Immunity (also called susceptibility) is a measure of the ability of electronic products to tolerate the influence of electrical energy (radiated or conducted) from other electronic products and electromagnetic phenomena".
    The Digi Connect ME, installed on a Digi ME development board was tested to the following tests:

    EN61000-4-2 4KV contact (horizontal/vertical plane)
        (immunity to ESD, also called electrostatic discharge immunity)
    EN61000-4-3 10V/M
         (immunity to radiated RF electromagetic fields, also called radiated immunity)
    EN61000-4-6 3V/M
         (immunity to radio transmitters and RF manufacturing equipment at low frequencies. also called conducted immunity)

    Relative to EN55024 testing:
    according to CENELEC EN 55024, cited below:
    "applies to, as the name implies, information technology equipment (ITE). EN 55024 defines the immunity test requirements for information technology equipment in relation to continuous and transient conducted and radiated disturbances. Tests within the standard include Electrostatic Discharges (ESD), Electrical Fast Transients (EFT), Surge, Power Frequency Magnetic Fields, Power interruptions, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)"

Relative to EN55024 testing:

    Because the Connect ME is a module, that a customer integrates into their hosting design, the EN55024 testing (of the Connect ME) was limited to just radiated/conducted immunity and horizontal/vertical plan ESD discharge. The reason for the limited testing is that that integrated module's ultimate EN55024 performance is totally affected by the customer's host design and we can't predict how their system will affect a Digi Connect ME. The customer is responsible for testing their final product (including the Digi Connect ME) to the EN55024 standard. 

    The following tests were performed on the Digi Connect ME:
EN 61000-4-2
EN 61000-4-3
EN 61000-4-6
EN 55024  

"IEC 61000-4-2: Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test", C/R 2014,

"IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test", C/R 2014 Keystone Compliance.,

Armstrong, Keith., Williams, Tim. "EMC Testing Part 5 - Conducted Immunity.

"Immunity Testing (Susceptibility Testing)"., C/R 2014 National Technical Systems, Inc.,

"CENELEC EN 55024",

Last updated: Oct 21, 2024

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