Important information for contacting Digi Technical Support

What is the TCP/IP data transfer rate for the RCM6700?

No actual speed tests have been done on the RCM6700.  However, in rough terms on an older product (RCM3200) we were able to sustain a 4Mbit/s data rate. That translates to 500K Bytes/second. 30 MBytes/minute. 1.8G Bytes/hour. 

This number is with no SSL. That number will greatly depend on what processing has to be done with the data. The MTU size (bigger is better). The latency (lower is better). The likelihood of dropped packets (none is best)... 

The customer should experiment with their environment.
The 6700 should be able to beat 4 Mbits/s.
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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