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What are the differences between the AnywhereUSB products Gen 2 and Multi Host model

There are basically 2 different version of the AnywhereUSB products, Gen 2 and Multi Host.
The Gen 2 means all the USB ports connect to 1 host computer only.
The Multi Host model means that each USB port or group of USB ports can be configured to connect to a different host computer.  
This comes in a 5 port and 14 port model.    I generally recommend using the Multi Host model since this adds more flexiblity.  
You can have the AnywhereUSB device on a different host just as long as there a network route between the AnywhereUSB device and host computer.
Here is the link to the AnywhereUSB Quick Start and installation guide which shows how to configure and troubleshoot the product:

Last updated: Jan 05, 2024

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