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Watchport/D USB Distance Sensor misidentified as Watchport/P USB Proximity Sensor

By design, newer model Watchport/D Distance Sensors are in fact identified as "Watchport/P" devices in the firmware. That is, if you issue the "I" command (after opening the respective COM port with a terminal app) the Watchport/D will report "Watchport/P.
This change was made due to replacing the Watchport/P Proximity Sensorit with the much improved and fully software-controlled Watchport/D Distance Sensor, which can also be run in Proximity mode.
The label(s) on the sensor itself, base unit (AKA "host"), and package will all still read "Watchport/D". Only the ID string stored in the EEPROM has been changed.
For customers who integrate the Watchport/D into their own software, this may have an effect if you use the internal ID string (the "I" command) in your application logic.
Note that this change does not affect the Watchport Manager software - it will still identify the Watchport/D correctly.
Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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