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Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) using Digi radios

       VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) communication can be used to transmit voice conversations over a data network using Internet Protocol. VoIP operates by sending voice information in digital form in packets, rather than in the traditional circuit-committed protocols of publicly switched telephone networks. This type of protocol is common among internet users and can be sent wirelessly using Digi's XPress Ethernet Bridge*.

Since the XPress Ethernet Bridge operates as a simple CATV cable replacement, the XPress can be inserted into a VoIP network for remote access to the internet for VoIP applications. The XPress can provide up to 935kbps of throughput for broadband access.

Some customers have also requested to use Video with VoIP applications. This is known as VVoIP. VVoIP is mainly used for Video conferencing and demands a great deal of bandwidth. Some factors that can affect bandwidth are video resolution, frame rate and audio quality. Wireless devices that are able to accommodate 802.11g are more suited for these types of high bandwidth applications.

For additional information on video bandwidth, please see knowledge base article titled:


*The XPress was tested using a system from MultiTech VoIP Systems

Last updated: Oct 04, 2024

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