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Using X-CTU to Load a Profile into Module in a Production Environment

Use these directions for starting X-CTU (XCTU) with command line options. This feature may be used to solve a variety of problems including:
  • Configure the modules with a certain set of parameters in a production environment before they are deployed.
  • Load a specific firmware version into MaxStream module in a production environment.
  • Setup two icons on a desktop that can change the address of a connected module for switching a connection from one remote device to another.
To get started:
  1. Install the latest X-CTU software.
  2. Use the modem configuration tab to select a firmware version and set any parameters that are desired.
  3. Press the button, "Save Profile" to store the current firmware version selection and parameter configuration to a .pro file.
Example: Suppose a configuration file named that tells X-CTU.exe to load version 429AA firmware. Copy this file to the directory C:\\Program Files\\MaxStream\\XCTU. From a command window, change the path to the XCTU directory; then load firmware from the command line using this command:
X-CTU.exe / /PCOM1 /BS19200 /Y /V
Important notes:
The progress indicator visible on the form in verbose mode (/V) only shows activity, not percent complete (it will reset and continue showing progress).

If desired, you may disable the visible progress indicator by using the /S option instead of /V.
If you are using National Instruments Lab View or another application you may call X-CTU from a command line VI and receive result codes when execution finishes.
See below for a list of all available options.
Command Line options:
/WC Defines the folder where MXI files can be found if other than the updates folder. This command is optional as by default MXI files will be found in the XCTU directory under a subfolder named update.
/F[Profile Name] This option allows a profile to be quickly written to a module.
Example: /
The following commands are available when /F is defined.
/S Silent mode- Once completed the program will exit with a completion code. No message boxes or dialogs are shown for this mode. Module recovery is also turned off for this mode.
/I Interactive mode- Allows the user to program a profile via the profile dialog using a write button. (Manual operation)
/V Verbose mode- This option will cause the profile dialog box to be displayed while writing. An error during the write operation will keep the dialog box visible.

Programming options:
/Z Force program- Upload referenced firmware always.
/N Never program- (Default) Send AT commands only, never upload firmware.
/Y Program if needed- Upload firmware if the version in the module doesn''''t match the version referenced in the .pro file.

Configuration settings:
/BS[Baud] example /BS19200
/P[Com port] Defines com port and must be specified as /PCOM1
/L[Num Bits] Data bits
/E Even parity
/O Odd parity
/AT[TIME] Specify AT time in 1ms increments (use 0x to indicate hex numbers).
/BT[TIME] Specify AT time in 1ms increments (use 0x to indicate hex numbers).
/CC[CHARACTER] Specify CC character for entering command mode. (eg. /CC+ (no hex numbers)).
Application completion codes:
A program can control XCTU through the use of the command line parameters. Once XCTU has exited it will return a completion code. These codes are defined as follows.

#define PROGRAM_OK (0x00)
#define ERROR_OPENCOMPORT (0x05) //Unable to open com port
#define ERROR_PARAMREAD (0x10) //Unable to read XCite non AT settable params
#define ERROR_PARAMFILE (0x20) //Invalid parameter file selected for current module
#define ERROR_FIRMWARE_FILE (0x30) //Unable to locate firmware file
#define ERROR_CMD_MODE (0x40) //Can not enter command mode
#define PM_PROGFAIL_ERROR (0x210) //Flash checksum error failed
#define PM_NOCMDMODE (0x230) //Unable to enter AT command mode
#define PM_NOTENTER_BOOTLOADER(0x240) //Unable to enter programming mode
#define PM_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE (0x250) //Incompatible module selected for programming
#define PM_NO_COMPORT (0x270) //Unable to open com port
These result codes can be useful when building testing applications that interact with X-CTU through the command line.
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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