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TGZ or non-RPM Method of Installing the Realport driver on Linux Systems

The following procedure can be used in any Linux environment. It is the only choice available for environments which do not support RPM.


Check to ensure that Package Dependencies For Digi Driver Installation in Linux are met prior to beginning the installation procedure.

TGZ Installation procedure:

1. Log the installation:

# script 

2. Download the Linux RealPort driver file.

3. Choose a directory (such as /usr/src) where the source tree will reside, and unpack the compressed archive file there. For example:

# cd /usr/src

# tar -xvzf dgrp-(version)-(revision).tgz

This will create a sub-directory called /usr/src/driver-version containing all of the RealPort source files.

4. Change directory to the root of the source directory tree.

# cd /usr/src/dgrp-(version)

5. Run the "configure" script.

# ./configure

6. Compile the driver and its support tools by entering this command:

# make all

7. Install the package components with:

# make install

8. Register your module with the system initialization scripts by entering:

# make postinstall

Recommended: Do not delete the source tree since the makefiles are necessary for the uninstall procedure.

9. At this point, you can run dgrp_cfg_node or dgrp_gui (from Xwindows/xterm) utility to install your realport device(s):

# dgrp_cfg_node init (ID) (IP) (#_of_ports)

Upon successful installation your devices will be labeled /dev/tty[id][00-99] [id] is chosen when you run one of the preceding config utilities.

Completing the installation:

# exit

If errors are seen, the file named "typescript" located in the directory where you began the installation may be helpful for debugging/analysis.

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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