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TFTP Boot Error message when booting PortServer


Getting Boot Error message from PortServer.
The host with the bootfile may pass back a TFTP error message, which the PortServer will display in the alphanumeric display. This message will be in the form  bn, where n can be one of the following:
0        Error not defined, see error message (if any)
1        File not found
2        Access Violation
3        Disk Full or allocation exceeded
4        Illegal TFTP operation
5        Unknown transfer ID
6        File already exists
7        No such user
If remote still will not work, push both the left and right arrow buttons to boot from ROM, check that the boothostip address is correct, and that the bootfile name and path are correct. Also ensure that your system supports TFTP.

Last updated: Jan 10, 2024

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