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Technical info about camera control settings for Watchport/V2 and Watchport/V3 cameras, using the DirectShow driver

Video Compression (checkbox) = This controls how the data is transferred over the USB.
Unchecked: YUY2 data is transferred from the camera to the camera driver;
Checked: MJPG data is transferred from the camera to the camera driver;
Compression Quality (slider) = This will control the compression level and ultimately the quality of the video being displayed.
0%: Very high compression, lower video image quality;
50%: Medium compression, medium video image quality;
100%: Minimal compression, highest video image quality;
Noise Filtering function = The noise filter works by averaging two video frames pixel by pixel, a reference frame stored in the frame memory buffer and the current video input frame.
NF Gain (slider) = The percentage taken from each of the two frames is set by the NF gain control and always adds up to 100%. If the NF Gain slider is at 0, the new frame equals 0% input and 100% reference. If the NF gain control is at 100%, the new frame is 100% input data and 0% reference. 50% means each frame contributes 50% to the new filtered frame.
NF Threshold (slider) = The difference of each input pixel and the corresponding reference pixel is computed and if the difference is above the NF Threshold value, the filtered pixel is equal to only the input pixel (no filtering is done because the pixel difference is too large and it is assumed motion has occurred).
A NF Threshold of 100% would be a pixel difference of 255, 3% would be a pixel difference of 7. A setting of zero turns off the noise filter function.
(The filtered frame is saved as the new reference frame and the process repeats.)
AGC Mode = Automatic Gain Control
Off: Automatic gain control disabled;
Average (default): Average out the entire frame to determine if the picture''s brightness needs to changed;
Peak: Look only at the lighter portions of the frame;
Center: Look only in the center of the frame;
White Balance Mode:
Auto (radio button): Adjust color balance depending on current color information found in the current frames;
Manual (radio button): Do not adjust color balance based on current frame;
Calibrate (button): When "Manual" white balance mode is selected, this button will read the frame and make an initial attempt to set the color balance appropriately. After this process, the white balance will remain steady until it is changed back to auto or re-calibrated.
Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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