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Support for Allen Bradleys DF1 Half Duplex, or DF1 Radio Modem protocol working with my Digi One IAP device.

The Half-Duplex and Radio-Mode functionality as implemented in the IAP firmware makes it possible for implementers to configure the product for half-duplex communication.  This basic option setting is not a guarantee that it will work in any specific implementation, as there are always other settings that would have to be adjusted. 
In particular, given the complexity of timing in DF1 HD implementations - many of which are completely outside of Digi’s control in terms of the PLC model, the ladder logic, the SCADA configuration, the version of SCADA software, and the communications/network topology, among others - the suitability of this function for any given implementation needs to be validated by the implementer. 

Allen Bradley protocols and conversion of other protocols to/from Allen Bradley protocols are no longer supported by Digi.  Existing functionality may be used on an as-is basis.  Support remains in the product as a courtesy to legacy customers with working solutions.  It is not recommended for new deployments.







Last updated: Jan 08, 2024

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