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SCO UnixWare RealPort FAQ


How do I add more PortServer or Digi Ethernet units?

If you are using and older version of the driver, there is no easy way to add in more PortServers, the driver must be completely reloaded. For the latest driver version, additional units can be added by typing ncxa_config from the UnixWare root prompt.

Why do I sometimes get a PortServer login instead of the realport login?

This indicates that the PortServer is not setup properly to use for realport. By default the PortServer is set to set port dev=term this means that DTR-RTS are high and the PortServer/Digi unit sends a login. This must be changed for realport to set port dev=prn, also verify auto=off in the port settings. This will prevent the Digi unit from generating a login. The port will be in a neutral state for realport to control.


What does the "tcp port number" mean?

This is the tcp socket id number that the driver uses to talk over tcp/ip to the Digi Ethernet based units. The default is "771" and the default (771) should be used for ALL Digi units. Along with it prompting you for this when loading the driver it should match the Digi unit's "set config realport=" the default here is also "771".


Why won't the "ncxd" daemon start or why does it keep dying?

This can be caused by a number of reasons. First, be sure your Digi product has the most recent version of firmware from the web site. For an indication of exactly what might be causing this, you need to put the daemon (ncxd) into debug mode. To do this, below is a standard example of how the daemon normally looks. You can change the /etc/rc2.d/S76ncxa file and rerun it.

/etc/ncxd -d /dev/cts0 -i -p 771

change S76ncxa to:

/etc/ncxd -D -L -d /dev/cts0 -i -p 771

This will put the daemon in debug (-D) and create a log file (-L). This log file is /etc/.ncxd.log. Most of the debug info is only useful for the engineer.


Does RealPort support all ditty paramaters that the standard async board drivers do?

Yes, except for 2 options. The printer option is not supported. Also, the altpin option is not supported thru ditty, but altpin can be set from the Digi unit's root prompt (most product models), set flow altpin=on.


How can I be sure that RealPort is running?

Doing a ditty term/x##s (x##s being the actual device), if it responds back with port definitions it usually indicates that the driver is talking to that port. Even a better indication is that if you enable a port, for example a01s, if you then do a who from the command line on the PortServer it should show RealPort under the Connected to column for port 5 in this example.

Another way would be to monitor the port from the front panel, if the tty is open (or enabled) you should see DTR and RTS signals lit. Send something to the tty and see if TD flashes.


If I load RealPort, do all ports have to use RealPort?

No, loading RealPort on a server does not mean that RealPort controls all ports. RealPort controls that port if that device is opened (getty, sleep, a print job is printing, etc.). Examples to better illustrate this:

I have RealPort devices ttya01-16. Ports 1-14 are terminals auto-connecting via telnet to my host, ports 15-16 are printers. In this case you would not use ports ttya01-14 and setup the printers using ttya15-16. If there is a process running on the port from your server, RealPort will have control of this port and essentially "own it" until the process is gone.


Can I load realport on multiple hosts to access the same PortServer(s)?

Yes, understanding the question above this one pretty much answers this. You can have devices a01s-a16s loaded on 2 different machines. If server1 has ports a01s-a08s opened, server1 controls it. Server2 could then have a09s-a16s opened, server2 controls this. One area that gets a little confusing is printers. If you have a print spooler (a10s) set up on server1 and server2, and you don't have anything else holding the port open. The print spooler will open the tty (it now controls it), send the print job, and then close the port, it is now open for either server.

*NOTE: You cannot enable a port for login from two servers at the same time!

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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