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Programming FAQ

1.  Where do I get programming assistance for my Digi board?
Programming support is furnished by Microsoft. The Digi device driver supports the
     Microsoft 32 bit COMM API. If your application supports the 32 bit API, then it should work with the Digi asynchronous communication products. Programming questions should be directed to Microsoft.  Most customers have programming problems resulting from port initialization, and not understanding the difference between a non-intelligent port, and a buffered intelligent port.
2.  I am having problems opening the port on the Digi board.

     NTPERF is a port testing program and is a good example of a proper way to open ports, initialize and close ports.  This program can be used to test an unlimited number of ports simultaneously.  It will compare the data sent with the data received and measure the speed at which the characters are sent and received.  Source code is included.  It can be found at 

     NOTE: NTPERF is provided as-is for you convenience and is not supported by Digi.

3.  I'm writing my own application and I am not able to access any ports above COM9?
In Windows NT, the ports above COM9 must be addressed with the following naming
     convention: \\.\COM#.  For example, COM10 should be addressed as\\.\COM10.  You may also address COM1-9 with the same naming convention.  Windows NT will recognize either name.

4.  I'm writing my own application using MSCOMM32.OCX, but am having difficulties 
     communicating to the Digi board.
We strongly suggest using SaxComm,, which is a free trial version to communicate to the Digi board.  MSCOMM32.OCX was not designed for use with  anything other than unintelligent products.  SaxCOMM is MSCOMM32.OCX compatible and should work much better with the Intelligent Digi boards.

Last updated: Jan 04, 2024

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