Process for Commissioning an XBee cellular module with a Verizon SIM card from Digi International
The directions below are to assist you in an initial set-up for an XBee LTE Verizon module and associated SIM. Note that a Digi XBee Cellular Development Kit will ship with the module already commissioned. This document assumes you have the necessary hardware like that from a kit but is not yet commissioned.
- Install the SIM in the XBee module so that the copper pads are facing the PCB board.
- Connect the antenna(s) to the XBee module.
- Connect the XBee module to an XBIB-U-DEV board.
- Connect the power cord and USB cord to the XBIB-U-DEV board.
- Launch XCTU.

- Click on the “Discover XBee” icon in the upper left corner highlighted below.

- Click on the COM port window assigned to the XBIB-U-DEV development board and click on Next.
- Select the 9600 baud rate, 8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit, and Finish.
- When found, click on Add Selected Devices.
- Click on the Console Log and Click on the plus to add a packet
- In the ASCII box, enter in the following:
- Click on “Add Packet”
- Open the COM port
- In the Console Log, Enter “+++” to enter command mode. You will know you are in command mode by the red “OK” response depicted below.
Last updated:
Jan 01, 2024