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Problems in SCO OpenServer 5.0.6 on systems with Pentium 4 processors

We have seen problems in several instances with customers using our products on servers with Pentium 4 processors running SCO Openserver 5.0.6.

The problem appears as a lockup to terminals connected to our ports. The only way to get the ports to start working again seems to be by pressing a key on the CONSOLE keyboard, not one connected to the ports which are locked up.

The problem is known by Caldera and is not related to the Digi drivers, but to support for the Pentium 4 processor within the OS. The problem is fixed with release supplement rs506a. This supplement can be found from the link on the bottom of this page.

Here is some pasted text concerning the Pentium 4 from the release notes for rs506a:

P6 microcode updates:

Release Supplement 506A adds the latest P6 microcode updates from Intel to the existing p6update command.

Pentium 4 support:

Release Supplement 506A adds support to ensure that the Pentium 4 chip will not run slow due to thermal speed-throttling.

WARNING Do not run OpenServer on Pentium 4 systems without Release Supplement 506A. Doing so might damage your hardware.

OpenServer drivers have been upgraded to support Pentium 4 technology. Before using other drivers on your system, consult your vendor to ensure that they conform to Pentium 4 specifications.

The problem described above has gone away for those who have installed this supplement.

Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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