Important information for contacting Digi Technical Support

Possible solution to connect a Parallel Printer to a Digi Serial Port

Background:  Digi Technical Support was recently working with a customer who needed a Digi serial solution to interface with his parallel printer.

Disclaimer:  Digi Technical Support personnel have not personally tested or verified this solution, however we did want to pass the information along to others who might find it useful.  Please keep this in mind while reading the following guidance.

Problem:  Digi Device and Terminal server products have serial ports only - no parallel ports.

Solution:  The customer reported they had purchased a Blackbox Parallel-to-Serial converter with part number  PI126A, and this allowed them to print through their Digi Serial port to a parallel printer which it could not have printed to otherwise.

The Black Box website where the part number listed above can be searched for can be found here:

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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