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No Remote Hubs found message in the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility

The "No Remote Hubs found" message on the left-hand side of the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility means the host computer is unable to Discover any AnywhereUSBs on the network.
The most common reason for this is that firewall software is blocking the port that we use for device discovery. Either disable Windows Firewall or any 3rd-party firewall software, or add an exception to Windows Firewall.

If it's not a Windows Firewall issue, please try the suggestions below.  After making any of the suggested changes below, power cycle the AnywhereUSB (if feasible) and then click View / Refresh in the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility.

  • Is there a link light on the AnywhereUSB's Ethernet port?  If not, this certainly needs to be addressed before proceeding.  Known-working straight through network cables should be used to connect all model AnywhereUSBs to switches.
  • Considering temporarily simplifying the network by connecting the AnywhereUSB directly to the host computer.  Current (2nd generation) AnywhereUSB models have auto-sensing network interfaces, however the legacy AnywhereUSB/5 does not, so a crossover network cable is required, if connecting a legacy AnywhereUSB/5 directly to the host computer.
  • Does the host computer have multiple network interfaces? If so, disable network interfaces that are not on the same network as the AnywhereUSB then close and re-launch the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility.
  • By default, the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility only searches the local subnet for AnywhereUSBs. If the AnywhereUSB is on a different subnet, you must explicitly "tell" the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility to look on that other subnet, by clicking Edit / Discovery List and either adding the AnywhereUSB's IP address (if it's known), or adding the other subnet in question, i.e.  Use the Device Discovery Utility to initially determine and/or configure the IP settings of the AnywhereUSB (for all models except the legacy AnywhereUSB/5).
  • Some anti-virus software might cause this issue, so temporarily disable it, or add an exception for the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility (AwUsbCfg.exe for 32-bit OS's or AwUsbCfg64.exe for 64-bit OS's) if possible.
  • Specific to the legacy AnywhereUSB/5, note the behavior of the System Status LED. If it's stuck solid Orange and the 5 port LEDs are all off, that means the unit is configured with the DHCP client enabled and in a hung state, unable to obtain an IP address, so it will need to be factory reset (see AnywhereUSB factory reset procedure).
Last updated: Jan 05, 2024

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