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New NET+OS firmware on Digi Connect ME -C, password changed

DC-ME-01T-C Connect ME (ARM7) with 2MByte flash for NET+OS firmware is delivered since years with an old NET+OS 6.x firmware which enables customers to upload their own firmware image.bin via FTP.

Due to obsolete flash chips for the DC-ME-04T-C variant with 4MByte flash chip, Digi was forced to update the initial firmware to a newer NET+OS 7.x version in order to support the newer flash chip. For some reason we also updated the firmware on the DC-ME-01T-C although there was no technical need as this 2MB flash chip was still available at that time (but might be replaced in the near future). see:
 PCN#180601 Memory change
 PCN#190422 NET+OS 7.5 DC-ME

Here are the differences:
OLD) NET+OS 6.x firmware:
a) FTP password: Netsilicon
b) NET+OS 6.x serial output fingerprint
c) NET+OS 6.x compatible NVRAM which can be read and converted by newer NET+OS 7.x firmware

NEW) NET+OS 7.5 firmware:
a) FTP password changed to: password
b) NET+OS 7.5 serial output fingerprint
c) NVRAM in NET+OS 7.x format, custom NET+OS 6.x firmware not able to convert/read it => wrong MAC and settings

1) customers using NET+OS 7.5 or NET+OS 7.4 firmware just need to be aware of the changed initial FTP password = password.

For customers using the NET+OS programmer version or newer (see to be renamed from .bin to .zip) there will be no difference, as the programmer is automatically trying both FTP passwords. After decompressing the .zip files, the contained .ex_ files have to be renamed to .exe.

2) customers using NET+OS 6.x/7.1 when directly programming their custom firmware will lose the MAC address. It will be reset to default: 00409D:433597 . If you do have a serial console, you may manually fix the wrong MAC address by entering the one from the label or scan it.

3) Customer from (2) using NET+OS 6.x/7.1 can avoid losing the MAC address by initially programming and intermediate firmware, boot this firmware and then program their custom firmware. See attached. This will only work if you did not yet program your custom firmware before.

4) If customer programmed NET+OS 6.x/7.1 firmware without first programming intermediate firmware, and which don't have serial console access to fix the MAC manually, but still are having FTP or HTTP access to upload firmware, may upload the intermediate firmware, boot it and will get the serial console menue to manually fix the MAC address according to the label, and program their custom firmware later.

intermediate firmware:
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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