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Manually editing and enabling the LTS config file

From the LTS CLI (command line) go to the bash shell:

#> bash

Copy the config file to /usr2

cp /tmp/cnf/config.xml /usr2

Edit file /usr2/config.xml and set as you wish:

vi /usr2/config.xml

Make the settings live in the LTS:

confvaluehandler –d                (drops the previous config info)
confvaluehandler -f /usr2/config.xml –l      (reads the config data into memory)

If the above commands give no errors?  Now you have to put it in the default position to make it permanent across reboots:

cp /usr2/config.xml /tmp/cnf

Take the file in /tmp/cnf/config.xml and store it as config.xml.gz so that it will be used on reboot:


Reboot the LTS:

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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