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Loopback repeater and buffer sizes

The loopback mode (store and forward) repeater will work with all versions of firmware on all Digi radio modems that supports intranet/local networking (i.e. not on Cellular or WiFi modules). It is important to keep in mind that the Data In (DI) buffer size on our modules might change to some degree with firmware or hardware versions. This can affect the amount of data a repeater is able to store and forward.

Following are the approximate buffer sizes:

Modem Buffer size
XBee3 802.15.4

304 Bytes (TX Buffer)

960 Bytes (RX Buffer)

XBee3 DigiMesh

137 Bytes (TX Buffer)

292 Bytes (RX Buffer)

XBee3 Zigbee

1056 Bytes(TX Buffer)

768 Bytes (RX Buffer)

900HP/ SX900/ SX868 >255 bytes (Dynamic Buffer size)
9XTend vB / XTC (XTend Compatible) 2.1 kB
XBee S2C series (S2C/ S2C Pro/ S2C Pro NG) 255 bytes
XBee Series 1 (S1/S1 Pro) 202 bytes

For the Loop Back adapter to work properly with RS-232, only pins 2 (RXD) and 3 (TXD) need to be shorted together. You may use a bent paper clip in place of the Loop Back adapter.

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Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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