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Links to download older Edgeport drivers

These links to download older Edgeport drivers are provided as a courtesy for customers who may require them for various reasons.

Please note that these older drivers are unsupported and provided "as is".

At the time of this writing, the current Edgeport driver is v5.70 (revision  J) and may be downloaded from the Digi support site.

v5.30 (revision H) Driver, released 5/5/2010:
5.30 release notes:
Notes:  Last version that supported Windows Vista.

v5.10 (revision G) Driver, released 4/3/2009:
5.10 release notes:

v5.00 (revision F) Driver, released 8/12/2008:
5.00 release notes:
Notes:  Last version that supported Windows 2000.

Note: If you are looking for firmware for the newer Digi Edgeport USB-to-Serial Converter, see the Edgeport USB-to-Serial Converters product page.

Last updated: May 13, 2024

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