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Is there a document that describes porting applications from the NET+OS V6.x development environment to the NET+OS V7.x development environment?

Problem: We have had a number of requests for a document describing the application porting process from the NET+OS V6.x development environment
to the NET+OS V7.x development environment.

Analysis: The NET+OS document entitled NET+OS Programmer's Guide
contains a chapter that discusses the application porting process between
the NET+OS V6.x development environment and the NET+OS V7.x
development environment.  This information is contained in
Part five entitled Miscellaneous. Within Part five look for Chapter fourteen
entitled, "Porting NET+OS v6.x Applications to NET+OS v7.x".
Chapter fourteen begins at page 125. The document is Digi International
part number 90000785_J. The document can be found in two places as
follows: either in the NET+OS installation tree in the Documentation 
directory , file name Programmer_Guide.pdf or at the following
Digi International FTP site:

Solution: Information on porting applications from the NET+OS v6.x
development environment to the NET+OS V7.x development environment
is available in the NET+OS Programmer's Guide. It is available either in the
NET+OS installation tree or via FTP at

Last updated: Oct 21, 2024

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