1) Upload the script on the TransPort via WEB GUI
In the WEB GUI, browse to Administration-File management > File editor, click in the Filename field (where there is "--edit--"):

Type a name for the script (for TestPy.py). Then, in the blank window below, paste the script content. Then click on Save File and then you should see:

Another method to load the python script into the TransPort is to use the FTP. Write the script into a file (a Python script is a text file containing python commands and may be created using a normal plain text editor) and give a name to it (as TestPy.py). Then open an FTP client as Filezilla, connect to the Transport IP with the username and password you use to access the WEB GUI.
Once connected, transfer the TestPy.py file to the TranSport, at the end of the transfer, you should see the file in the TransPort directory:

In order to have the script running , go in the Administration – Execute command section of the WEB GUI (or in the command line) and type:
python TestPy.py

It is also possible to make the script running also if the device reboots, going in the WEB GUI to Configuration - system > General, then in the autorun command section type the command
python TestPy.py
and click Add:

You should then see that the command is added:

and click apply.
4) Check that the Python script is running
It is always possible to check which python script are running by issuing the following command:
pycfg scripts
In this case, the output of the command is the following:

Last updated:
Jan 08, 2024