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HOW TO: Update Firmware on Etherlite Units from Windows using DGIPSERV

Download the DGIPSERV utility from the Digi web site here.    Also, download the firmware image applicable to your Etherlite model:  

Execute the DgIpServ.exe utility and follow the prompts.

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Navigate to the firmware image:

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If you have multiple network interfaces, such as a VPN connections, select the one local to the Etherlite unit:  

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Note: If there are multiple NIC adapters, you will want to temporarily deactivate adapters not local to the EtherLite unit until the firmware update process is complete.  In some cases where there may be a DHCP/BOOTP server located on the network, the Etherlite unit should be isolated from the network by directly connecting a crossover ethernet cable to the PC network adapter.

Enter the MAC address for your specific device:

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Enter the IP Address you wish to assign, network subnet mask and default gateway applicable for your device/network:

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Select the desired optimization and virtual port configuration settings.  Optimize for Latency is used for low latency implementation, virtual ports configure additional virtual ports per physical port.  Typically the defaults are sufficient for most applications:

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Power off or unplug the Etherlite device when prompted:

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Power on or plug in the Etherlite device when prompted:

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The following is display when the process is complete:

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Last updated: Jan 04, 2024

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