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How to take a snapshot with a Watchport/V2 or Watchport/V3 USB camera

If you have the DirectShow driver installed:
1. Open "Watchport Viewer" via the shortcut on the Windows start menu, in the "Watchport Imaging" program group (the program group may be called "Watchport V2").
2. In Watchport Viewer, click "Options / Video Capture Pin" and change the Color Space / Compression to "RGB 24" unless, of course, that is already selected. Click OK to close that Properties window and save the change.
3. Press the button on top of the camera to freeze the video.
4. To save the snapshot, click "File / Save Captured Frame".
5. Browse to a folder of your choice, and input a file name, then click the Save button. This will save the snapshot as a .bmp image file.
6. You may want to then convert the (uncompressed) .bmp file to a (compressed) .jpg file, as .jpg is a more common, practical image file format. To do this, use an image editor such as IrfanView to open the .bmp then save it in .jpg format.
If you have the TWAIN/AVI driver installed:
1. Open "VC3Viewer" via the shortcut on the Windows start menu, in the "Watchport Imaging" folder (it may be called "Watchport V2).
2. Click "Controls / Capture Frame" to freeze the video.
3. To save the snapshot, click "File / Save As".
4. Browse to a folder of your choice and input a file name. You may select a different file format from the dropbox, although the default (JPEG) choice is recommended. Click the Save button to save the snapshot.

Last updated: Jan 12, 2024

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