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How to setup an AnywhereUSB to automatically connect to a host computer upon boot, without logging into Windows?

There is no specific method to have an AnywhereUSB automatically connect to a host computer upon boot, other than following the normal AnywhereUSB installation procedure.  That is, after the AnywhereUSB has been successfully connected and installed, it will automatically attempt to re-connect if the computer reboots, and without needing to log into Windows.
Note:  The AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility does not need to be launched (again) in order for the AnywhereUSB to re-connect.  The AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility is only required to be run initially, to connect to the AnywhereUSB.  It does not need to be added to the Startup folder, for example.

Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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