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HOW TO: Run rpdump in Linux


Certain situations may require detailed debugging of the Linux RealPort driver where Digi Technical Support will provide an rpdump binary.

All port processes (including any gettys running on the ports) and RealPort daemons must be stopped prior to starting rpdump.

Once port processes are stopped, the daemons can be stopped with the following command:

#  /etc/init.d/dgrp_daemon stop

To start the rpdump capture, run the following command from the Linux root prompt in the directory where the rpdump binary is located:

#  ./rpdump -pa -I /proc/dgrp/mon/-o filename.bin

Where X refers to the actual tty ID assigned when added.  For example, if "a" was assigned to the tty devices (ttya00), you would use /proc/dgrp/mon/a.

*Please note the -I in the syntax is a capital letter I (eye) and not lower case l (el).

Once the rpdump utility is started, restart the RealPort daemon (/etc/init.d/dgrp_daemon start), port process(es) and capture the issue.  The sooner the issue can be replicated, the better as the rpdump output can grow large very quickly depending on the amount of activity.

Once the issue has been replicated, press <Ctrl>-C to stop the capture and send the output file to Digi Technical Support for analysis.
Last updated: Oct 14, 2024

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