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HOW TO: Install an ISA or PCI Classicboard in SCO Openserver

  • Driver is built into SCO, not provided by Digi International.
  • Only boards supported are the ISA Classic 4 and 8 (Classic 16 not supported).  Classic PCI 4 and 8 supported only in SCO 5.0.6 or later.
  • No other COM port or peripheral can share an IRQ with the Classicboard. This means you must disable the applicable COM device in your system BIOS.
  • PS/2 Models 25 & 30 can only be setup as COM2.

Hardware Installation Guide for the ISA Classicboard 4 or 8.

  1. Put the card into an empty ISA slot (Notice there aren't any dip switches).
  2. Boot to the Classic Config disk (originally shipped with the board).
  3. Run the cfg.exe program to configure the board.
  4. Once the cfg.exe program is loaded, you will notice that it will have found the board, and will display its current settings.
  5. Select "Edit new profile" by pressing "F3"
  6. At "PnP mode?" prompt, select "No"
  7. At "Int mode:" prompt, select "Digi"
  8. At this point, you will want to decide if you want to run the card as "COM1" or "COM2", and then follow the instructions below:


                Port 1: 0110

                Port 2: 0118

                Port 3: 0120

                Port 4: 0128

                Port 5: 0130

                Port 6: 0138

                Port 7: 0140

                Port 8: 0148
  1. For "I/O Address:" select "0150"
  2. For "IRQ:" select "4"
  3. For "No. Waits:" leave it at default.
  4. For "CFG Utility I/O:" leave it at default.
  5. Finally, You will want to set up each port''''s io address.
  6. Leave the Port''''s IRQ blank.


                Port 1: 0210

                Port 2: 0218

                Port 3: 0220

                Port 4: 0228

                Port 5: 0230

                Port 6: 0238

                Port 7: 0240

                Port 8: 0248
  1. For "I/O Address:" select "0250"
  2. For "IRQ:" select "3"
  3. For "No. Waits:" leave at default.
  4. For "CFG Utility I/O:" leave at default.
  5. Set up each port's io address.
  6. Leave each Port's IRQ option blank.

To Save Settings

  1. Press "F3" to finish editing.
  2. Press "F6" to save profile to disk.
  3. pick the first option "< create a new profile file>"
  4. A prompt will ask you what you will like to name this profile, pick anything you like, for instance "cls_sco".
  5. A prompt will ask you to enter profile description, pick anything you like, for example "Classic COM2 setup for SCO Unix"
  6. Finally, press "F5" to write profile to your board.
  7. Pay special attention to the I/O test that it does, if you have any ports return an "F" instead of all "P", this suggests that you have an i/o address or IRQ conflict with the current settings you have picked from above. To resolve the conflict, you might try using COM2 instead of COM1, or vice versa. If neither of the COM1/COM2 options pass, you will need to look at your other devices in the system, and change them accordingly.
  8. Follow the SCO instructions below for getting your extra ports up and running under SCO.

Hardware Installation Guide for the Classicboard PCI 4 or 8

  1. Put the card into an empty PCI slot.
  2. Boot up the server.
  3. Follow the SCO instructions below for getting your extra ports up and running under SCO.


SCO Driver Installation for the Classic DigiBoard

		mkdev serial
  1. Logon to the console as root, and type at the prompt
  2. Once in the Serial Manager menu screen, chose the "Add" option.
  3. For an ISA Classicboard 4 or 8, select "DigiBoard" and the appropriate number of ports.  Use default IRQ and I/O address setting for the Unit# chosen (see below).  For the Classicboard PCI, select "Digiboard-PCI" with the correct number of ports, leaving IRQ and Address at 0.  You also need to chose the appropriate Unit number for either card (0 for ISA Com1 option or 1 for ISA Com2 option; 0, 1, or 2 if PCI).

    Note:  The Unit# for the ISA Classicboard is determined by whether you chose the Com1 or Com2 option during Hardware Installation for your ISA card.  For the PCI card, it only determines the port naming in the following manner:

    Unit 0 = tty1a-d/h (need to delete IBM-COM1)
    Unit 1 = tty2a-d/h (need to delete IBM-COM2)
    Unit 3 = tty3a-d/h (no conflict, option only available with the PCI card)

  4. As you may have noticed, the Unit 0 and 1 selections conflict with SCO naming convention for IBM-COM1 (tty1a) and IBM-COM2 (tty2a).  Conflicting IBM-COM port will need to be deleted, as well as disabled on the motherboard via the BIOS screen.
  5. You must create a new kernel to effect the driver change you specified.  Do you wish to create a new kernel now? (y/n) (answer yes to all kernel related questions, then reboot the server).
  6. The system will create devices in the /dev directory for the DigiBoard Classic after system reboot.


ISA Board setup

Unit ID #

Standard devices

Modem control devices


Unit 0




Unit 1



N/A for ISA

Unit 2



Standard devices are usually terminals and printers. These ports must have a null modem cable or null modem adapter between the DigiBoard and the peripheral to work. The basic cabling for Xon/Xoff flow control is TxD and RxD crossed and signal ground straight through.

How to enable standard port to get a login. enable /dev/portname

example: enable /dev/tty1a

Make sure your terminal matches the setup in your inittab file for SCO Unix.  The default is 9600 baud 8 bits no-parity 1 stop bit and xon/xoff flow control.

Modem control devices are usually modems. These ports must have Carrier Detect high before the port will open. This is typically a straight cable going between the board and modem.

If you are unsure how to make the cables, check our Tech Support page to find the cable you need for additional cabling information.


Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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