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HOW TO: Digi TransPort Events and Alarms


Event Handler

The Event Handler is responsible for:

* Logging messages into the Event Log

* Sending Alarms via Email, SMS or SNMP traps when certain events occur (events must be logged in the Event Log in order to be sent via an Alarm)

A snapshot of the current Analyzer trace and/or Event log can be attached to emails; this is an invaluable mechanism for fault finding

The event handler can trigger messages or traps based on a pre-configured priority assigned to that event in the logcodes.txt file

Sending E-mail Alarms

These three items are used to configure the TransPort to send messages to a defined location:

* Configure the Event Handler
* Configure the Log Codes
* Configure the SMTP client

A similar setup is used for SMS and SNMP alarms

1) Configure the Event Handler

The event handler will log an event with a trigger priority equal to or lower than the trigger level specified in Configuration - Alarms > Event Settings

The “Only log events with a log priority of at least” is normally 0 to log all events.


Configure the Email Notification Settings:

• E-Mail template – Event.eml: This file is included in the .web file, but additional templates can be created and stored in flash memory

• E-Mail Trigger Priority – Any event with a priority of six or lower would cause this e-mail to be sent.

Event Log Codes:

• The Event Log is stored in NVRAM, although not in a readable format.

• The logcodes.txt file contains – Different log codes in English and is used to create the display when the Event Log is viewed.  Priority settings for all of the events

• The logcodes.txt file can be edited manually after ftp transfer or by browsing to Configuration - Alarms > Event Logcodes:


PPP Session Established options for  logging and attaching traces/logs:


Sample Alarm Configuration:


• The priority values are reversed for what gets logged vs. what creates an Email/SMS/SNMP alarm

• In this example Events with a:
– Log Priority of 1-7 will be placed in the Event Log
–Alarm Priority of 5-9 will be generate an alarm (in this case, email)

• The Event shown will generate both an entry in the Event Log and an email alarm, example eventlog entries:

15:40:46, 14 May 2012,code:17 reason:0,SMTP req by CMD email Event.eml
15:40:46, 14 May 2012,code:8 reason:3,Login failure by bob: CMD,Telnet
15:40:37, 14 May 2012,code:181 reason:0,GP socket connected: ->

• Each event has a pre-configured number (i.e., an index) – This is used to identify the event in logcodes.txt.

• Events can be caused by a number of different reasons – These reasons also use numerical identifiers.

• The “reason” priority can override the priority set for the event.


Sending SMS and SNMP:

• Sending SMS messages and SNMP traps are configured in the same manner:


• Two parameters have to be set on the Configuration - System > General > Miscellaneous screen:

• SNMP specific settings are configured at: Configuration > Remote Management > SNMP > SNMP Traps.

• Enable SNMP:


• Contact Information:


• SNMP Traps:

• Trap servers and the community can be configured:

Last updated: Jan 12, 2024

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