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HOW TO: Configure a Modem in Solaris



  1. Connect a proper cable between the port and modem.
  2. Connect to the modem with tip.

    tip -38400 /dev/dty/a001s

    The speed (38400) and device (/dev/dty/a001s) are used as examples in the previous tip command.

  3. Enter one of the following commands depending on your modem:




    Typically works for a US Robotics modem


    Typically works for a Hayes or other modem

  4. Terminate the connection to the modem with a tilde-period command (from a newline):


  5. Access admintool by entering this command at a root prompt:


  6. Select Browse > Serial Ports.
  7. Select a device.
  8. Select Edit > Modify.
  9. Configure the device parameters. Typically a terminal device is set to Terminal-Hardwired and Service Enabled.
  10. Set the Baud Rate.

    Note that the default admintool baud rates cycle, meaning the speed at the end of the corresponding /etc/ttytype entry is different than the speed at the beginning of the entry. It is often preferable to set them to a fixed rate.

    As an example, this line can be added to /etc/ttytype to configure the device for a 38400 fixed rate.

    38400N:38400 hupcl:38400 hupcl::38400N

    If a custom /etc/ttytype entry is used, set Baud Rate to Other and enter the /etc/ttytype identifier (e.g. 38400N).

  11. Edit the file /etc/rc2.d/S99digi (create it if necessary) and add the following command to it:

    ditty rtspace ctspace /dev/dty/a001m

    The device a001m is used as an example in the previous ditty command.

Last updated: Jan 10, 2024

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