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HOW TO: Configure a Modem in AIX

HOW TO: Configure a Modem in AIX

Modem Configuration requires familiarity with both the specific OS and the specific modem being used. While the following procedure is sufficient for most cases, it may be necessary to take additional steps to properly configure your modem or to set up the OS for a specific application.


1) The Cable

Use the Standard Modem Cable as diagrammed in The Digi Standard Cable FAQ

2) The AIX Server

  • smit tty
    Add a TTY
    tty rs232 Asynchronous Terminal
    sa# Available Digi C/CON......

    PORT number [] <- Type port number
    Enable LOGIN [] <- enable, disable or share(bi-directional)
    BAUD rate [38400] <- F4 for list of choices
    FLOW CONTROL to be used [rts] <- Recommended for modems


Add appropriate entry(ies) to Devices file in /usr/lib/uucp if necessary for uucp set-up.


  • Change device ownership:

    chown uucp /dev/tty##
    chgrp uucp /dev/tty##

3)Connecting to modem (outgoing)

  • From root prompt:

    pdisable tty## <- not needed if set for share(bi-directional)
    cu -ml /dev/tty## -s 38400 <- train modem to port speed

Dial-in (incomming)

  • From root prompt:

    chdev -l tty## -a altpin=enable <- if using 8 wire modem cable
    penable tty## <- not needed if set for share(bi-directional)

Last updated: Jan 10, 2024

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