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How to Clear CDMA Provisioning on Transports with Gobi

If you ever need to reset or change an account, the provisioning in the modem might need to be cleared. For example, if the cellular provider changes an account from Vision or Datalink to Command Center, the current provisioning in the modem has to be cleared before it can be added to the Command Center account.

It is recommended that this be done from the Digi TransPort CLI, although this may be accomplished from the WebUI > Execute a Command.

modemcc 0 init_str $RTN=123456




In the case above123456 is the MSL (master subscriber lock). The MSL must be provided by the carrier  to unlock the modem. “modemoff” drops the current PPP session, resets the modem, and re-dials the connection.This is where the init string “AT$RTN=[MSL]” is sent to the modem and clears it.

Do NOT save the config after doing this; else the config will be cleared every time the connection is dialed (this is when the init_str is sent to the modem). Reboot the TransPort after verifying the account info is wiped from the modem. The best way to verify this is via the mobile info:

Example Before:

modemstat ?

               Outcome: Got modem status OK:

                  Time: 6 Jan 2000 13:08:35

      Currentsystem ID: 4139

     Currentnetwork ID: 65535

               Network: 31000

  Signal strength 1xRTT: -89 dBm

   Signal strength EVDO: -92dBm

  Signal quality (CDMA): RSSI -89dBm, Ec/Io -7.0 dB

   Signal quality (HDR):RSSI -92 dBm, Ec/Io -10.0 dB

          Manufacturer: HUAWEI Incorporated

                 Model:Huawei EM680 w/Gobi Technology

                   MDN:8005551212      ß valid phone number

                   MIN: 8005551212

                   ESN: ########

                  MEID: A00000########

Example After:

modemstat ?

               Outcome: Got modem status OK:

                  Time: 6 Jan 2000 13:10:00

      Currentsystem ID: 0

     Currentnetwork ID: 0

               Network: 31000

  Signal strength 1xRTT: -91 dBm

   Signal strength EVDO: -84dBm

  Signal quality (CDMA): RSSI -91dBm, Ec/Io -7.0 dB

   Signal quality (HDR):RSSI -84 dBm, Ec/Io -18.0 dB

          Manufacturer: HUAWEI Incorporated

                 Model: Huawei EM680 w/Gobi Technology

                   MDN:0000006082  ß indicates provisioning has been cleared.

                   MIN: 0000006082

                   ESN: ########

                  MEID: A00000########


The modem is now ready to be re-provisioned either via the WebUI or “” CLI script.

Last updated: Jan 12, 2024

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