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How do I upgrade the firmware on a PortServer 8 or Portserver 16?

The only one way to update firmware on the PortServer 8 or Portserver 16, is by loading the firmware from a tftp (trivial file transfer protocol) server, each time the PortServer 8 or 16 reboots.   The final release of firmware for this Obsolete product was released in May 2001, and can be downloaded here.


In order to boot-load the upgraded firmware to the PortServer (8 or 16), you must be running a tftp Server, on a machine which will be available over the local area network at each reboot or power up of the Portserver.

In a UNIX environment:

Please refer to

In a Windows environment:

Please refer to:
Though the article above is written for the Portserver II, the tftp guidance will work with any product which requires a Windows tftp server to upgrade firmware.

For newer Windows versions, the following may be more useful:


The tftp server in either the Unix or Windows environment will need to be running every time the PortServer is booted to prevent the PortServer from failing during boot up.

In the configuration of the PortServer you will need to set the following information:

Here is an example of the command: set config boothost= bootfile=ps8.bin

  • Boothost: set to the IP of the server running the TFTP application.
    Bootfile: the path and name of the file you with the PortServer (8 or 16) to boot on.
Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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