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ConnectCore XP 270 not booting on custom hardware with custom firmware. How to reset to factory default.

Cross check the boot process on a Digi Karo/Triton development board for ConnectCore XP.
If it does not boot on the Digi board with serial output anymore, you need to reprogram U-Boot firmware with a JTAG programmer into NOR flash.

To reprogram U-Boot with Digi FS-9003/FS-285 JTAG-Booster, you need the JTAG-Booster, software for JTAG-Booster and a board with access to the JTAG-pins (and serial port) of the module.
Connect the JTAG-Booster to the parallel port of your PC, once install Kithara DOS enabler which comes with the JTAG-Booster software and open a DOS command prompt to enter:

jtag270 /p uboot.bin /lpt-base=378

while uboot.bin is the default U-Boot binary image you should find on your CD in the images folder.
If progamming ended successfully, you should see U-Boot booting next power cycle on the serial console.

If you don't see U-Boot booting you need to invalidate the U-Boot environment variables which are stored in the second flash sectors starting from 0x40000 to 0x7ffff. Also you might see your operating system booting but failing at some point (not completely booting). To make sure this is not by and reminder flash parition content you should add the /ERASEALL option and later reprogram you opertating system:

jtag270 /p uboot.bin /lpt-base=378 /eraseall

If you are still not seeing it booting, please contact Digi Technical Support.

If the system behaves strange but you are still getting an U-Boot or a Linux prompt, you can try to to invalidate NVRAM(eeprom) from U-Boot 1.1.3 FS.2:
CCXP270> protect off all
Un-Protect Flash Bank # 1
CCXP270> erase 40000 7ffff
Erasing sector  1 ... done
Erased 1 sectors
CCXP270> reset
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
Get MAC Address from 1-wire EEPROM
MAC Address from EEPROM : 00:04:F3:xx:yy:zz
CCXP270> setenv ethaddr 00:04:F3:xx:yy:zz
CCXP270> saveenv
CCXP270> reset

To invalidate NVRAM(eeprom) from Digi Linux LxNETES-3.2:
boot linux:
Uncompressing Linux...
Linux version (buildd@build)
modarm9: using static partition definition
Creating 5 MTD partitions on "modarm9":
0x00000000-0x00040000 : "u-boot"
0x00080000-0x00300000 : "kernel"
0x00300000-0x02000000 : "rootfs"
0x00040000-0x00080000 : "eeprom"
0x00000000-0x02000000 : "all"
/ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock/3 bs=256k count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
/ # reboot
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
MAC Address from EEPROM : 00:04:F3:xx:yy:zz
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
CCXP270> setenv ethaddr 00:04:F3:xx:yy:zz
CCXP270> saveenv
CCXP270> reset

for the MAC values xx:yy:zz you should insert the value read from 1-wire EEPROM or as printed on the module label.
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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