When using a Digi TransPort Router with a Public SIM card, the issue of reaching this device by it's IP address happens as most/all providers will dynamically assign IP addresses that will change at every connection / reconnection.
To overcome this problem, it is possible to use a Dynamic DNS host configured in the router. The Router will update the service provider with it's current IP Address and / or any IP Address changes. This will allow the device to be reached without knowing it's currently assigned IP Address
Digi TransPort Routers currently supports 3 service providers type :
- DynDNS.org
- No-IP.org
- Other
In this example, No-IP.org will be used as they allow registration of free Dynamic DNS hosts.
Before you can successfully register the IP address of your router with a service provider, you must create an account on their web site. In this example, no-ip will be used.
1- Sign-UP for a Free Account on No-IP
Go to https://www.noip.com/sign-up and sign-up for a free DDNS Account. When registering, the "hostname" will be the name used to reach your device, for example: "digitesteu.ddns.net"

2- Configure Digi TransPort DDNS settings
Open a web browser to the IP Address of the Digi TransPort Routers and navigate to Configuration - Network > Dynamic DNS
- Select the Service Provider, in this example: No-IP
- Enter the Host and Domain Name previously chosen during registration at the service provider, in this example: digitesteu.ddns.net
- Destination port can be left to 0. This will by default use HTTP port 80.
- DynDNS User Name is the username chosen during registration.
- DynDNS Password and Confirm Password is the password chosen during registration
- When is which interface to use to send DDNS updates. By default, use default route.
Click Apply and Save Configuration

3- Verify DDNS update
3.1 - On Digi TransPort Router
Navigate to Management > Event Log. A line should show the DynDNS update success :
12:47:01, 10 Mar 2015,DynDNS 0 host 0 updated: good
3.2 - On No-IP.org website
Navigate to https://www.noip.com/members/dns/ and login with the previously created account credentials.
Under Manage Hosts, the domain name should be displayed with the current Digi TransPort's Routers IP.

4- Test Connection
Now that the DDNS update is done, open a web browser to the selected domain name (in this example : digitesteu.ddns.net). The Web interface of the Digi TransPort Router should be displayed

Last updated:
Sep 20, 2024