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Collecting General Technical Support Logs for Digi Connect WAN and Digi ConnectPort WAN Cellular Devices

This article describes collecting general Technical Support logs for the Digi Connect WAN and Digi ConnectPort WAN cellular devices. 

To collect the traces, it is necessary to use the Digi device command line interface (CLI). 
Use a terminal emulation package such as HyperTerminal, PuTTY, TeraTerm Pro, etc. These will allow capture of the trace data to a log file. 
What follows are two procedures, HyperTerminal and PuTTY.
HyperTerminal Procedure:

1. Telnet in to the Digi's Ethernet port or mobile IP address.  In HyperTerminal, select TCP/Winsock and then use the appropriate telnet port (typically 23).
2. Enter the user name and password if prompted (this is off by default)
3. The command prompt "#>" will be displayed. 
4. Start the capture of the trace data to a log file by selecting Transfer > Capture Text. Use a descriptive filename ending in .txt
5. Please enter the following commands
    disp tech <enter>
    disp log <enter>     
6. Stop the capture by clicking on Transfer -> Capture Text -> Stop
PuTTY Procedure:

You may download the PuTTY utility found here:
Here are the trace instructions using PuTTY:
1. Open PuTTY.
2. Under Session > Logging check "All session output" and then enter an appropriate file name (i.e. Trace.log)
3. Click on Session
    a. Enter the local IP address of the Digi
    b. Click on the Telnet button
4. Click on Open
5. Enter the user name and password if prompted (this is off by default)
6. The command prompt "#>" will be displayed
7. Please enter the following commands
    disp tech <enter>
    disp log <enter>
With either procedure, please attach your save file and send the results to technical support while referencing the case ID or attach to the portal.

Last updated: Sep 26, 2024

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